Thursday, 8 September 2011


Ashley 6mth (01.08.2011-30.08.2011)! 
From now onward mummy will be very busy cos Ashley is ready for solid food! 
I prefer to make home make food for my little precious .
so happy that Ashley finally flip & he is having a good weight -8.5kg ,66cm on 13.07.2011  
this months Ashley is having his last dose for 6in1 & Ratavirus injection, 2nd dose for Pneumococcal 
What to take note is your baby ready for solids !
    • can hold her head up
      It's important that your baby is able to maintain a steady, upright position in order to take first foods from a spoon.
    • sits well when supported
      You may have to support her initially -- a highchair can be pulled into action a bit later when she's able to sit up all by herself.
    • makes chewing motions
      Your baby should be able to move food to the back of her mouth and swallow. As your baby learns to swallow efficiently you may notice her drooling decrease. At six months your baby may even have a tooth or two.
    • has gained a healthy weightMost babies are ready to eat semi-solids when they've doubled their birth weight, which may take place before or around their sixth month.
    • displays curiosity about what you're eating.
      Your baby begins eyeing your meals and reaches out to try foods travelling from plate to mouth.
    Introducing Solids
    Build a variety of foods into the baby's eating pattern between 6 and 12 months. The following are common guidelines for introducing solid foods: Do not put cereal into a baby's bottle or add sugar or honey to a baby's cereal. Do not offer wheat cereals until the baby is about a year old because these foods frequently cause allergies.

    Introduce only one solid food at a time. Wait for several days and watch for allergy symptoms, which may include a rash, asthma, or diarrhea. Don't introduce mixed foods until each food has been offered separately; this way you'll know if the baby is allergic to a certain food.

    A wide variety of commercial baby foods, including vegetables, fruits, meats, and mixed dinners are readily available or you can make your own. These have no added salt or sugar. Babies do not need baby food desserts.

    How to Feed a Baby Solid Foods
    When feeding, maintain eye contact with the baby as you offer each spoonful. Feed at the baby's tempo, neither hurrying nor offering food more slowly than the baby desires it. Allow the baby to explore food with her fingers, either in the dish or on the spoon.

    Talk in a quiet, encouraging manner. Good feeding is a nonverbal skill that develops between the baby and the parent or caregiver. Respect a baby's wish not to eat certain foods or to eat only a small amount.

    Unless the baby will eat an entire jar of food in one meal, remove enough food for the meal from the jar. Never feed a baby directly from the jar as bacteria from the baby's mouth could contaminate the food. Warm the food over hot water from the stove-not in the microwave oven. Microwavewarmed food develops hot spots that can burn a baby. Never heat milk in a microwave.

    Allow a baby to decide how much to eat. Never force or encourage a baby to eat more than he wishes; respecting a baby's appetite will help you avoid over- or underfeeding.

    Preparing Baby Food at Home
    Solid foods are easy to prepare at home. Cook meats, vegetables and fruits until tender, then puree in a blender or a grinder. Make sure meats are cooked to a safe temperature. When preparing vegetables and fruits, either boil or steam them in a small amount of water to reduce vitamin loss. Do not add sugar, salt or other spices to a baby's food.
    If you make more than the baby needs for the meal, freeze the extra puree in ice cube trays. Pop the frozen cubes into plastic bags to store. To prepare the frozen cubes for a meal, thaw and warm them over hot water-not in the microwave.

    Before start to make home-make baby food i need a blender. Thank you Jess for buying this for me. it cost $169 buy from Giant, the set includes 2 feeding spoon ,1small bowls ,4 storage containers & 1 cup. After buying this set the price has increase to $199

    At 6months: (Weaning started with 1 solid meal at dinner)
    1st Aug > 2000hrs > 2tsp x Rice Cereal +30ml milk
    2nd Aug > 2000hrs > 4tsp x Rice Cereal +30ml milk
    3rd Aug > 2000hrs > 6tsp x Rice Cereal +60ml milk
    4th Aug > 2000hrs > 6tsp x Rice Cereal +60ml milk
    5th Aug > 2000hrs > 4tsp x Rice Cereal +30ml milk & 1oz apricot pureed
    6th Aug > 2000hrs > 4tsp x Rice Cereal +30ml milk & 1oz apricot pureed
    7th Aug > 2000hrs > 4tsp x Rice Cereal +30ml milk & 1oz apricot pureed


    8th Aug (added carbo Veg at lunch time)
    0830hrs > 150ml x Milk
    1130hrs > 150ml x Milk
    1430hrs > 1oz carbo Veg + 60 ml milk
    1730hrs > 150ml x Milk
    2030hrs > 4tsp x Rice Cereal +30ml milk & 1oz apricot pureed
    2300hrs > 150ml x Milk

    food that i have introduce

    Rice Cereal, Sweet Potatoes, Yam, Nectarine , Banana , Papaya, Apricot, Pumpkin, Carrot, Peach, Potato
     Banana pureed  
    Apricot Pureed 
      Papaya Pureed  
    Pumpkin pureed
    Yam Pureed  
    Sweet Potatoes pureed 
    Potato pureed
    Donut peach pureed
     Peach pureed 

     Honey sweet potato pureed
    Nectarine pureed

    Ashley enjoy his solid food 

    he love solid food then milk...
    Ashley first cereal 

    This month Ashley start to play with his saliva.
     Now Ashley enjoy sleep in this way
     playing with his pacifier
     scare his pacifier drop
     hold his own bottle
     Mummy buy new teether for Ashley 
    from Tommee Tippee $5.90
    & bolster
     so good boy! play himself while daddy driving
     mummy rent this ExerSaucer Triple Fun Active Learning Center from My Toy Renter ( $55 per mth 
    Ashley is busy playing ! 

     Dating with Kylie 姐姐 
    Ashley first time try on baby chair
     great grand ma found this antique chair (母椅)for Ashley
      Ashley first National day!
     smile until cant see his eye  
    first time go 外婆 house

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